Rita Recovery Fall Mission Trip 2006
"What are you doing this weekend?"
"Changing the world!"
"Do what?"
"Do you mind explaining?"
"We're re-roofing a house for an elderly person."
"Why didn't you just say that."
"Because its more than that."
"No its not"
"If you have the cash, you can pay for anyone to reroof your house. But this family doesn't have the money and we're doing it out of compassion."
"There are a ton of compassion groups who would be willing to reroof a house?"
"True, but we do it out of thanks?"
"Do what?"
"We are thankful for what we have and we are sharing that `thankfulness'."
"So are you saying you are doing it out of guilt becaue of your abundance."
"O! No! Not at all!"
"Then explain."
"We are thankful for the incredible life God has given us and..."
"There are thousands of people who have great lives who don't care for religion."
"True, but I personally don't care for religion either."
"Do what?!"
"Religion is just a frame in which individuals form their belief."
"So are you saying religions are illegitimate."
"No, not at all, we must have a frame in which to be introduced to that particular faith."
"Wait what does this have to do with putting a roof on a house."
"Nothing, except that it allows us to thank God for the incredible life we already have."
"You already said that."
"Indeed, but the point is that one can help out of pure need, one can help because of guilt, one can help because their bored. But we help out of thankfulness."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"Your right. So what are you doing this weekend?"
"Wanna come and help put a roof on a house?"
Here Is Our King
Duffy & Maggie Robbins recently wrote a book on contemplative quiet time based off
lectio divinio entitled, "Enjoy The Silence." I have entered into this study and it is playing out well in my soul. I encourage you to enter into the study.
The summer between my Junior and Senior year of college I was invited by an Orthodox Priest - a Professor of mine, to study with him in Greece. What he told me was study turned out to be 2.5 months of living in a monestary. A life chaning event but very difficult for this A.D.D. boy. I learned much about myself, God, human nature, and universal spirituality. Most of all I learned about the power of silence.
God can speak through us, God can speak through others, God can speak in nature, God can speak relationships, God can speak through children, God can speak through the inter-web, God can speak through videos, but in my greatest time of need God always spoke in silence. We all need to join Elijah in the cave of dispaire. I have not been in dispaire in a long time. I thank God for that but there is always a hunger in my heart that longs to dwell with God.
Crowder states it best...
And what was said to the rose to make it unfold
Was said to me, here in my chest
So be quiet now, and rest. My heart tears up with the understanding of how God echos in my chest! I scream out in thanks! Yet I am reminded "to be quiet, and rest..."
NYWC Austin 2006
the reality of what transpired at NYWC didn't hit me until i got home. alone and quiet in this place wherein i reside the gentle words of christ spoke in my heart, "i love you" thats it.
many of us have experienced that wesleyan "heart warming" experience. it can't be captivated in words no matter how we try. it was at that moment i recognized what we christians so want others to experience. again, only jesus can bring that heart felt "i love you" we stand as mere vessels for him to work through us.